Frans André schreef:Ik heb wat kopi luwak van Rolas weten te bemachtigen.
Ik vind het nog lastig om hier voor mijzelf een lekkere kop koffie mee te maken.
De eerste slok denk ik nog ‘oh lekker, ik proef wat chocolade’, maar daarn vind ik hem al gauw te zuur worden.
Iemand ervaring mee?
Anders denk ik er aan om het toch weer van de hand te doen.
Ter info;
As every year we want to remind you that you should inform yourself about what you are drinking, we want you to know the truth behind your cup of coffee, we want you to stop drinking coffee that comes from the suffering of a small and helpless animal forced to live in a cage and eat coffee with the sole purpose of producing expensive coffee. As every year we want to say STOP.⠀
Kopi Luwak is the name of coffee beans that have been eaten and excreted by the Asian palm civet. ⠀
In the wild these little creatures would climb coffee trees and eat a small amount of coffee cherries. Since this coffee has become super expensive, some farmers have resorted to capturing these lovely "wild cats" and force feeding them large amounts of cherries.⠀
We are against animal abuse and cruelty therefore we encourage you to boycott this product. Moreover this coffee doesn’t taste good because most of the time Luwak are forced to eat bad robusta cherries...this is really a SHITTY coffee!⠀