Re: Eureka Oro Mignon single dose

Hier een beeje "hoor en wederhoor" dwz antwoord van Eureka:
We zullen straks wel zien als de eerste modellen in Nederland arriveren of het om design flaws gaat of kleine first badge issues.
Espresso: Elektra MCAL / Olympia Cremina '82 / Cafelat Robot / Niche Zero / Eureka XL
Filter: Hario V60 / Chemex / Delter / Melodrip / Comandante MK3 Nitroblade / MK Vario + Ditting steel burrs

Re: Eureka Oro Mignon single dose

Van HB forum
Dear Thomas,
first of all, thank you for the video. We really appreciate your feedback and hints since these may allow us to fine tune our products.
With this comment, we are happy to provide you and the community with our point of view on each relevant point mentioned in your review. Before going into details, we would like clarify that Mignon Single Dose has been designed to satisfy a specific type of use and need, that is Single Dosing. Considering this purpose, we believe that the most relevant aspect to be considered is the retention. In this regard, per your direct experience and review, we are pleased to underline that the results in terms of retention are extremely positive and (as you mention in the video) superior than other single dose grinders in the market. In particular, your result (around 0.2 grams) is very much in line with our test reporting an exchange retention below 0.3 grams.

In addition, we would like to point out that low retention comes together with further relevant advantages, as follows:
1) Absence of grind static and anti-static dosing cup;
2) Very good taste and extraction in espresso (and also in filter coffee), due to the high grind consistency of 65mm flat burrs;
3) Eureka engine (AC motor) which provides higher performances and durability compared to other type of motor (i.e. DC motor).

Here below our feedback point by point:
• Concerning the Mignon Single Dose Blow Up Cleaning (bellow), being made of rubber and thus not rigid, it may be a bit hard to be placed on the hopper. Nevetheless, once it is perfectly placed, this is stable enough to be used even with energic blows (according to our field tests). BTW, thanks to your review, in order to simplify the assembly process, we are going to create a short video sowing all the steps and cares of this process.

• Referring to the wooden lid, we would like to point out that the second production batch has been improved to create a better matching between the wooden lid and the hopper. Nevertheless, please take into consideration that, being made of refined wood, the lid is more fragile than steel or aluminum element. Just to make a comparison: when you buy something valuable such as a cristal goblet you are aware that this needs to be handled differently compared to a plastic glass (that is just an example :)). Moreover, due to the "tricky" fit wit the hopper, we recommend to use it mainly with the blow up (rubber bellow).

• About the hopper metallic tab, taking care of you feedback, we decided to add an additional cycle of polishing to improve both the aestethic and the usability.
Taking into account the ease of opening/closing, please consider that our engineers specifically searched for this bit of resistance to make the tab completely fitting to the opening and thus reduce the vibrations/noise.

• Concerning the noise, please allow us to say that the measuring method you have been using in the review is not really reliable. Moreover, it looks a bit unfair to compare the noise made by grinders with different motors specifications and performances. Nevertheless, like we did in the past for several of our grinders (such as Mignon Specialità, Mignon Silenzio, Atom Specialty...), we are going to evaluate the possibility to make a test with an external laboratory to calculate the noise level with the most appropriate tools and procedures.

• Regarding the burrs regulation "issue", it is important to mention that the regulation system of Mignon Single Dose is exactly the same of other Mignon, such as Mignon Specialità. In all our grinders, the spring is set to a certain preload level to provide the most appropriate feeling and usability while the user changes the grind size and it is not really clear to us which was the reason to modify the stroke of the spring.
In this regard, we warmly suggest to not tamper with it as this may lead to the loss of the warranty. Generally, in case of supposed technical issue, we suggest to contact your vendor or us ( to receive the proper suppport.

• The single dose bean hopper is fitting to all the other Mignon models. Unfortunately, it turned out that the first produced units are a bit too loose compared to the required standard. We want to reassure you that the standard hopper will be perfectly stable.
A small advice to increase the stability of the hopper is also tighting the safety screw in the back.

To conclude, as mentioned above, Mignon Single Dose should be evaluated as a niche grinder, for a specific need. On one hand, it is not fair to compare it with "regular use" grinder like Mignon Specailità which has a completely different use (despite Mignon Specialità features a very low retention being a regular grinder). On the other hand, as you correctly mentioned, we can affirm that Mignon single Dose refers mainly to quite skilled single dose users, who look for professional performances and the possible lowest retention combine with unique desing and materials.

For any clarification or question, please do not hesitate to get back to us.

We take the chance to wish you all a fantastic 2022, full of peace and joy.
Eureka Team

Re: Eureka Oro Mignon single dose

Tis een leuk doosje om open te maken, vol met kleine cadeautjes lijkt het wel, eerste indruk overwegend positief.

Wat viel mij eerst op:
-Bij de hopper zit een transparant plastic deksel en een houten deksel, het hout matcht goed met mijn aanrechtblad :)

-Houten deksel zit erg strak rechtstreeks op de hopper, bijna iets te strak zou je denken, maar allicht dat dat bij gebruik zichzelf wat soepeler zet. Voor nu heb ik de blowup balg ertussen wat er tot mijn verbazing best leuk uitziet.

-Verhogertje tussen houten voet en dosing-cup is een beetje een vreemd ding, wel lekker zwaar en solide maar ik had zelf misschien liever een grotere dosing cup gezien. Gewoon lekker 58mm die rechtstreeks in de filter past, ook de inham in de "lip" van de dosing cup snap ik niet maar dan zal wel zijn omdat ik geen designer ben.

-Het schuifje in de hopper is beter afgewerkt dan bij eerdere pre-productie modellen, maar een extra kunstof (of houten) knopje hierop zou de bediening prettiger maken. Mij zal het in de praktijk niet storen, want ik zet de molen aan en dump gelijk de bonen erin, maar allicht een leuke uitdaging voor de 3D printer? Het openen en sluiten van het luikje voelt heel soepel en toch solide dat is veel beter dan bij de gewone mignon.

-Geluid is zoals verwacht hetzelfde als bij de mignon XL.

-Eerste shot (stand 4) was een dikke dikke choke, daarna stand 5 met lange preinfusie nogsteeds, imiddels maalstand 6.3 voor mooie 1:2 in ca 33 seconden, dus nogsteeds aan de fijne kant. Crema opvallend egaal maar kan met doorlooptijd te maken hebben, smaak zit voor een niet ingelopen maler al érg dicht bij wat ik uit de atom75 haal.