Een emmer is Hoog in eiwit en Laag in gluten. ... en/gluten/
Hoeveel gluut zit er in een emmer?
GLIA accounted for 61–92% of gluten
common wheat 61–79%;
spelt 70–83%;
durum wheat 68–88%;
emmer 75–92%;
einkorn 79–92%
Nu zijn er meerdere emmers!
Research (link below) has found that ancient wheat varieties like emmer, Spelt, Einkorn, Farrow etc contain a high level of proteins along with gluten.
Modern wheat contains less proteins but a higher level of glutenin contents and an increasing ratio of gliadins to glutenins .
This means that the gluten structure in modern wheat is much stronger and harder to digest because it is a result of the genetic modification of the wheat.
Mijn conclusie: overal zit gluut maar in een emmer zit wel extra veul ei!