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Janar schreef: wo 13 mei 2020, 19:47
Tidal vond ik goed maar Qobuz lijkt kwalitatief beter.
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Janar schreef: wo 13 mei 2020, 19:47
Roon heb ik 3 maanden getest. In principe vond ik het prima software maar ik vond het niet waard. Qobuz app geeft ook veel info over artiesten.
Als ik je goed begrijp vind je Qobuz beter dan Roon, maar het zijn toch verschillende dingen?
Roon verzorgt hier de muziek die ik lokaal op een externe disk heb staan, en Tidal en Qobuz leveren muziek die elders staat.
https://www.audioholics.com/audio-techn ... l-vs-qobuz
When Tidal began offering Master Quality Sound, which used MQA encoding, a supposedly lossless perceptual coding system which could provide High-Resolution sound in above CD quality, I thought of it as a bonus. However, like many, when I began listening to MQA encoded streams on Tidal, I didn’t walk away all that impressed. For the most part, I simply didn’t hear a difference. Then news began to pour in that MQA might not be all it’s cracked up to be, possibly even being less than CD quality.
This is where OneQobuz comes in, offering a FLAC based streaming service that streams at up to 24-bit 192 kHz quality. FLAC is a bit-perfect lossless compression algorithm that is known to not deteriorate the sound in any way.
Did Qobuz sound noticeably better than Tidal? I couldn’t tell with anything I tried.
As I stated earlier, I love streaming services, I think there are a lot of great options, and Qobuz is certainly one of them. Of all the options, I think that Tidal and Qobuz are the best options, given their ability to playback at CD or better quality. Should you switch from Tidal to Qobuz? I don’t think that one is superior to the other, and I could be happy with either. Tidal has more integrated support with hardware right now, but Qobuz is working on that. I suggest taking advantage of their free trial and trying it for yourself. What streaming app you are using is certainly nothing to lose sleep over.