Re: Het grote broodbaktopic

Desembrood met wortel of bermgroente (brandnetel, fluitekruid etc.) of tulpenbollen:

Koffiekvas! (gefermenteerde broodkoffie met anijs en kardemom)
(met recept!)
Ah! How sweet coffee tastes, more delicious than a thousand kisses, milder than muscatel wine.
Coffee, I have to have coffee, and, if someone wants to pamper me, ah, then bring me coffee as a gift!

The Coffee Cantata - J.S.Bach

Re: Het grote broodbaktopic


Roasting coffee, maar dan anders....

Die Italianen deden dus al heeeeel lang aan coffee & food pairing :)
Ah! How sweet coffee tastes, more delicious than a thousand kisses, milder than muscatel wine.
Coffee, I have to have coffee, and, if someone wants to pamper me, ah, then bring me coffee as a gift!

The Coffee Cantata - J.S.Bach