Re: Hotelkamerkoffie / espresso op vakantie

Oh yes, an extra warm hand for our Dutch friend Edward from Trakteren Amsterdam. He finished 4th with a comparable technique as Emiel and Filip, although they all created there recipe without looking at one another. A winning new style seems to be born. ... -in-dublin
Because 1st and also 2nd recipes were very unique and original, we give em here.

The winning recipe :

Inverted position.

260 gram water at 81 degrees.

35 grams of coffee! (Emiel used even more for a similar technique)

Pour 150 grams of water for 15 seconds
Stir until 30 seconds
Put the lid on, wait 1 minute
Invert AeroPress, give it a swirl, plunge
Add 100 to 120 grams of water to taste
The almost winning recipe :

Normal position.

230 gram water at 95 degrees (oh my goodness, that's hot for an AP)!

20 grams of coffee, a tiny bit coarser than normal AP style.

Pour 40 grams of water during 10 seconds
Let it steep for 20 seconds
Pour water til you reach 230 grams during 40 seconds
Push for 40 seconds
Ok, good luck at home with these challenging recipes. Good to see all kinds of Professional and Non-Professional Barista's thinking wide and having the guts to take on different techniques. Long live the Aeropress and the Aeropress Championships!

Oh yes, an extra warm hand for our Dutch friend Edward from Trakteren Amsterdam. He finished 4th with a comparable technique as Emiel and Filip, although they all created there recipe without looking at one another. A winning new style seems to be born.

Here the final stage :

1st place : Filip Kucharczyk of Cafe Targowa in Wrocław, Poland
2nd Place: Jerome Dittmar, a journalist from Lyon, France.
3rd Place: Hugo Sousa Rocco, Moka Clube in Curitiba, Brazil
LONDINIUM R24 & VECTIS - etzMAX - Niche - Honne Hedone - COMPAK R120->GRRR - PUQpress - FZ94 - Tonino

Re: Hotelkamerkoffie / espresso op vakantie

Heb je recept geprobeerd bobbee maar wel met 16g. Lekker! Vrij zacht, ik had de maling nòg een tikje grover gezet dan vorige keer, koffie was merkbaar zoeter.

Net eentje gemaakt met 16g, 100ml water en gedurende 30sec 'na het gieten constant toeren en zo snel mogelijk doordrukken. Pittig maar beetje zurig. Volgende keer langer roeren of langzamer doordrukken. Fijne hobby zon Aeropress :D
Lelit PL41EM
Eureka Olympus Hi-speed

Re: Hotelkamerkoffie / espresso op vakantie

En zo kom je in de zee van vrije tijd op het vakantieadres nog eens aan belangrijke dingen toe zoals het net ietsje fijner afstellen van een PID.

tevens: ... avoni.html
LONDINIUM R24 & VECTIS - etzMAX - Niche - Honne Hedone - COMPAK R120->GRRR - PUQpress - FZ94 - Tonino