Electrisch schema en werking Quickmill 3000 (Quickmill 825)

Hierbij een zelfgemaakt electrisch schema van de QuickMill 3000 en ik neem aan dat de Quickmill 825 dezelfde inhoud heeft.
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Electrical Schematic description

S1,2,3 are the tumple switches operated b y the user.
Pump: The Ulka EP5 (or EX5). Pumps the cold water from the reservoir into the directly connected PL0800PU expansion tank
and via a hard plastic tube into the 3WAY valve
(The passive expansion tank only smooths the pump vibration to reduce the sound)
3WAY valve: When Inactive it re-leafs the water pressure by spilling excess of water (not steam) into the reservoir via a tube.

Thermoblock: The massive round block that heats the water while it circulates through
F1: Thermal fuse clamped on top of the thermo block, it blows if the thermo block gets overheated/
When defect also the ON/OFF Lamp stays OFF although the pump works!
A defect thermal fuse indicates a bad thermostat but may also fail due to aging.

Thermostats "Vapor" and "Coffee": Screwed on top of the thermoblock and control it's temperature
(these things you hear clicking. When defect F1 may blow also).
Pulsar Board: A small circuitboard with two potmeters on it and feeds the pump.
This can be permanent (coffee) of pulse wise (steam).
Lamp Heat: Active if the thermo block is heated.
Lamp On/Off: Machine on/off, but not exactly: it also stays of if the thermal fuse has blown.

Functional Description

The ON/OFF switch's blue leads feed one side of the 3WAY valve, the pump and - via a thermal fuse - the thermo block .
The gray lead powers the other two manual switches and the thermo block via the Coffee thermostat.
So the Thermoblock will now be heated.

The coffee switch's red wire powers the 3WAY valve so that it blocks the exhaust to the reservoir (prevent depressurization )

The red wire also feeds the Pulsar board (middle pin). (see later)

The steam switch's yellow (white in reality) powers the thermo block via the "Vapor Thermostat".
This overrides the "Coffee Thermostat" and will keep the thermo block powered until it reaches the steam temperature.
The steam switch's red wire again powers the 3WAY valve directly and the pulsar board via Pin 2 .

The pulsar board passes the power from pin '2' to pin '3' .
It acts like a diode between pin 2 and 3 from where a brown lead powers the Pump.

Both steam and coffee switch feed pulsar board pin2 , but only the coffee switch also interconnects pins 1 and 3.
Without this interconnection (so only with the steam switch) the pulsar board acts lik an interrupting diode
So that the pump operates pulse wise, pumping small amounts of water into the thermoblock where it immediately vaporizes (at a temperature above 100oC). The potmeters on the small pulsar board are for tuning the intervals and pulse width.

Since the pump also has a build-in series diode the polarity of the wires on the pump matters!
The pump's piston inside the plastic cylinder is only powered (magnetized) half of the 50 Herz cycle and is pushed back by a spring during the other half. That's why a series diode inside the pump is needed (it's also displayed on the red plastic housing).

(The 'diode behavior' of the pulsar board was just for the sake of a simple electronic design and not essential)

The three way valve is turned off once both steam and coffee switch are turned off.
This immediately depressurizes the system by exhausting a few drops of water (not steam) back into the reservoir.