zou weleens branche breed kunnen gaan zoNext month, we raise our prices by USD $100 for all models.
Why? All our suppliers have raised prices by at least 10%. Global
shortages of metals and other goods have increased the cost of
everything. PCB component prices have gone insane. We're paying now
for parts to be delivered in 14 months, otherwise there's no guarantee
we'll get it.
US Inflation is expected to be between 2% and 3%, which is about what
our $100 price increase will be.
Re: Decent De1+ eerste kennismaking
51Uit de mail van DECENT vandaag:
LONDINIUM R24 & VECTIS - etzMAX - Niche - Honne Hedone - COMPAK R120->GRRR - PUQpress - FZ94 - Tonino