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Re: SCA-water maken

Geplaatst: vr 24 jun 2022, 18:48
door fransg
Ik kwam nog een blog tegen van een deskundige die ik persoonlijk zeer hoog aansla ;-)
So here as elsewhere in the world the “best” way is a compromise: enough minerals to extract good coffee, enough also to create a thin protective skin of sediment on the inside of boiler and pipes but not too many minerals because they clog up the machine, especially the finest tubes, and not too few because ultra low minerals numbers can create aggressive water that eats away at the metal in the machine, ruining both the machine and the coffee.

Generally you can say that water that is rich in minerals will give the cup more body. The downside however is that fewer of the fine aromas and flavours will come out.

The same beans can extract very differently with identical machines if the water used is very different, so it is always good to be aware of the local water quality.Ronny discussed a number of filtration methods: ... f-box.html

Re: SCA-water maken

Geplaatst: vr 24 jun 2022, 19:03
door ErikW
Goed Frans!
Die hebben we lang niet gezien hier: die wijze "grijze"'. ;)

Re: SCA-water maken

Geplaatst: vr 24 jun 2022, 19:50
door gilleko B.
fransg schreef:Ik zou weleens Volvic waterflessen willen kopen en die proberen.
In NL. moeilijk te krijgen.


Re: SCA-water maken

Geplaatst: vr 24 jun 2022, 20:09
door bobbee

Re: SCA-water maken

Geplaatst: vr 24 jun 2022, 20:54
door fransg
gilleko B. schreef: vr 24 jun 2022, 19:50
fransg schreef:Ik zou weleens Volvic waterflessen willen kopen en die proberen.
In NL. moeilijk te krijgen.

Re: SCA-water maken

Geplaatst: za 25 jun 2022, 10:04
door fuel
bobbee schreef: vr 24 jun 2022, 20:09 Kennen jullie dit niet? ... 0095351536
Nee mar ik zal me er eens in verdiepen en eventueel testen.
Stuk van Frans ga ik ook lezen. Leuk.

Jonathan Gagne heeft er volgens mij ook veel over geschreven.

Re: SCA-water maken

Geplaatst: za 25 jun 2022, 12:02
door fransg
gilleko B. schreef: vr 24 jun 2022, 19:50 In NL. moeilijk te krijgen.
16 liter besteld bij

Re: SCA-water maken

Geplaatst: za 25 jun 2022, 15:51
door ErikW
Mooi verhaal van Jonathan.
Hij heeft met BWT dus zijn water te veel beïnvloed.
Meten is dus wel het devies!
Hij waarschuwt voor TDS meters (ook als je bij 25 graden meet) maar geeft helaas geen alternatief.
Het CDS principe en 2 concentraten staat er dus ook in.
Zo gek is mijn verhaal dus ook weer niet! ;)

Wie weet een goede TDS-meter of bruikbaar alternatief. :?:

Gedestilleerd water maak ik al,
De hardheid druppels moet ik nog halen.
Heb een TDS-meter waar ik maar even me moet doen.

Mijn gedachten over haalbaarheid/bewaarbaarheid zijn wel bevestigd met Jonathan's blog. :!:

Re: SCA-water maken

Geplaatst: za 25 jun 2022, 16:07
door ErikW
Even wat informatie over TDS fouten bij Mettler/Toledo opgehaald.

Reducing Common Errors
in Conductivity Measurements
Conductivity measurement using electrochemical cells is a simple and cost-effective
method frequently used to determine the concentration of dissolved substances in
samples ranging from distilled water to concentrated acids and galvanic baths.
While the parameters used for measuring conductivity are straightforward, they vary
strongly depending on the sample being measured and the temperature at which the
measurement is being made. Potential sources of error in conductivity
measurements can be manifold, but with a better understanding of the theory behind
conductivity, and a few useful tips on how best to measure conductivity, potential
errors in measurement can be reduced and the accuracy of conductivity
measurements can be increased.
1. Conductivity and Measuring Cells
The conductance of a solution, a physical property, can give important quantitative information
regarding the ionic composition of a sample. Conductance is a measure of a sample’s ability to pass a
current and strongly depends on the concentration, mobility, and charge of ions in solution. [1] To
determine the conductance of a solution, conductivity cells are often utilized.
A basic conductivity cell consists of a pair of poles between which the sample is placed and
between which current is passed. The ratio of the distance between the poles (L) and their surface area (A)
is known as the cell constant, K.
K ൌ L ሾcmሿ
A ሾcmଶሿ ൘
The conductivity κ [S ∙ cm-1] is given by the conductance G [S] multiplied by the cell constant K [cm-1]
κ ൌ G ሾSሿ ൈ K ሾcmିଵሿ
Every measuring cell has its own particular cell constant. The layout of the conductivity poles and
the occurrence of inhomogeneous boundary effects prevent the calculation of the cell constant directly from
the cell’s dimensions. It has to be determined experimentally through calibration with a standard solution
(of known conductivity) and is then stored in the conductivity meter that the conductivity cell is attached to.
Most conductivity sensors available on the market today are delivered with certified cell constants
from the manufacturer. The user can simply enter these certified cell constants manually into the
conductivity meter without actually having to measure the value in a standard prior to measurement.
White Paper

Re: SCA-water maken

Geplaatst: za 25 jun 2022, 16:07
door fransg
mijn watermeetsetje: