door Spironski
Sterker nog:
Ze vonden de koffie uit de vriezer lekkerder!
Nu is die conclusie ook wat te kort door de bocht! Dan moeten we dit er ook bij zetten:
"In the espresso comparison tasting, we did sixteen side by side comparisons with the older coffee vs. the fresh never frozen coffee, eight by Ken, and eight by Jim, using a factorial design that alternated the pair of machines and grinders between the fresh and frozen coffees in a balanced manner. We preferred the frozen coffee ten times, the fresh four times, with two ties. The results are suggestive, but not statistically significant, even under the severest statistical torture. On the 2nd day, following its own cupping, we did 8 similar comparisons with the coffee frozen for one month vs. the fresh-never frozen coffee. The fresh was preferred three times, the frozen three times, and there were two ties.
There is absolutely nothing in the results that would suggest that the fresh coffee made better espresso."
Die laatste zin lijkt me het belangrijkst, eerlijk gezeged.
La Scala Butterfly (+ Erics E61 thermometer), Mazzer Major, Gaggia Factory 106 met Tije's koelring, vier tampers (Vlak, American curve, Eurocurve), Gene Café, Aeropress, Kyocera CM-45, ROK-Grinder